Conference Program
- Tuesday
Design, Test, Iterate: The Role of Prototyping in Shaping the Next Generation of Mobility
Prototyping is more than just a step in the development process – it’s a catalyst for creativity and a strategic tool for innovation. In this keynote panel, featuring Fabio Violante, CEO of Arduino; Timon Rupp, CEO of The Drivery; Christian Schweizer, CEO of the Prototype Club, and Timo Blon, Director Digital Strategy and Innovation at Bosch, we delve into how iterative prototyping is revolutionizing the way new features are developed and integrated into software-defined vehicles (SDVs). By enabling teams to quickly design, test, and iterate on new ideas, prototyping ensures that only the most promising features make it to the final stages.
The panel will share case studies and experiences on how prototyping can help companies remain competitive in the fast-paced world of SDVs, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and rapid innovation.
Dominik Morar is the co-lead of the initiative, hosted by the Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institut, focusing on advancing the digital transformation of the automotive sector. He holds a PhD in Information Systems (University of Stuttgart) and drives international research in terms of technology-driven multi-partner ecosystems. His expertise centers on integrating AI and other emerging digital technologies into practical solutions like Software-Defined Vehicles (SDVs). He specializes in enabling innovation and collaboration across complex, multi-partner ecosystems, bridging cutting-edge research with industry-specific applications such as SDVs.
Dirk Slama is a Vice President at Robert Bosch GmbH, chairman of the initiative, conference chair of the Bosch ConnectedWorld, and Editor-in-Chief of the Digital Playbook for OEMs and manufacturers. He is the director of the AIoT Lab at the Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institute, where he also holds a full professorship. Dirk has 25 years of project experience in automotive, aviation, manufacturing, and telecoms. He is co-author of 4 successful books and holds a PhD in Information Systems, an MBA, and a Diploma in Computer Science.
Computer engineer with a passion for hardware and successful manager Fabio Violante is one of the most famous alumni of the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, at least in the Italian and international tech-community, where he’s best known for his role as CEO of Arduino, the open-source platform for rapid prototyping used every day by millions of designers, planners and companies to quickly and easily build intelligent objects and digital devices.
Founder & CEO Timon Rupp believes in the innovation power of highly connected experts and entrepreneurs. With the founding of The Drivery GmbH in 2019, he created a global marketplace for mobility innovators with subsidiaries in Berlin, Shanghai, Yokohama & Seoul. Within a unique environment, the exchange of ideas and concepts between visionaries, inventors, and politicians is accelerating innovation at the intersection of ecosystem and open innovation. Timon Rupp has distinguished himself as an MDAX executive, an entrepreneur, and a corporate venturing specialist with several successful foundations.
Christian Schweizer is a leading expert in the field of corporate innovation, characterized by his combination of scientific excellence and practical experience. With a PhD in applied econometrics and in-depth research on innovation ecosystems, he understands the dynamics of innovation in companies. As CEO of Prototype Club GmbH, Dr. Christian Schweizer uses his extensive experience to establish prototyping as a key strategy for creative and market-ready solutions. Under his leadership, the Prototype Club supports companies in realizing new ideas through iterative development and rapid testing and in implementing the best solutions in a competitive environment.
Timo Blon is dedicated to transforming creative ideas into tangible results for our mobility of tomorrow. As Director of Automotive Strategy and Innovation at Bosch Engineering GmbH, Timo is at the forefront of developing strategies for the software-defined vehicle, driving organizational development, and leading digitalization programs. With two decades of extensive project experience in the automotive and motorsports sectors, he has successfully shaped diverse product portfolios, from embedded systems to cloud services, and proved innovations under racing conditions.
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10:00-10:25: SDV Pulse – The Technology Driving the Future
Aleksandar Tolev, Daniel Schleicher (AWS), Erik Dörnenburg (Thoughtworks)
In this session participants will gain an overview of latest developments, emerging technologies, and best practices in the area of software defined vehicle. Based on the joint report from Thoughtworks and AWS subject matter experts of both companies identified and explained 40 trends they see at customers. The presenters will walk the audience through the report an highlight trends which are noteworthy and will share their own opinions on the topics.
10:25-10:50: Eclipse SDV – How Open Source Helps Approaching the Software-defined Vehicle
Ansgar Lindwedel (Eclipse Foundation)
Ansgar is going to talk about what SDV means in terms of maturity steps in SW and how more and more automotive companies embrace open source in their development. He will highlight a few recent activities within the Eclipse SDV working group. Thereby offering a big picture to dig into the topic of open source in automotive and also some details for those who are already familiar with the topic.
10:50-11:15: What is Real-Time SDV?
Dieter Schwarzmann (Robert Bosch GmbH)
The concept of real-time systems is integral to the software-defined vehicle, where for many applications the timely execution of processes is paramount. However, a clear meaning of what exactly constitutes a real-time system is often unclear. In this presentation, "What is the Real-Time SDV," we will explore the fundamental meaning of real-time computing, including the definition and impact of determinism of these systems. This will be complemented by a concrete, hands-on example.
By the end of this 20-minute presentation, attendees will gain a common definition and intuitive understanding of what constitutes a real-time and deterministic system.
Aleksandar Tolev is a Senior Manager Solutions Architecture at Amazon Web Services with passion for software development in the Manufacturing and Automotive industry. Aleksandar complements his passion leveraging lean architectures for complex challenges. In his free time, he loves to do sports, mental training, and cooking.
Daniel Schleicher is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS for Continental, focusing on software-defined cars. In this field he is interested in applying cloud computing principles for automotive applications, and advancing the software development process of automotive applications utilizing virtualized hardware. In previous roles, Daniel led the migration of an enterprise integration platform to AWS at Volkswagen and, as a product manager, contributed to the creation of a central service for the Mercedes Intelligent Cloud.
Erik is a software engineer and passionate technologist. On his extensive journey in the tech industry he has continuously encountered and embraced new technologies, finding ways to realise their potential while bringing along proven engineering practices. As CTO Europe at Thoughtworks he helps clients make the most out of modern technologies, platforms, and practices. Erik is a regular speaker, contributed to a few books, and maintains several open source projects. He holds a degree in Informatics from the University of Dortmund and studied Computer Science and Linguistics at University College Dublin.
Ansgar joined the Eclipse Foundation in 2024. Before spending 20 years of his professional career holding various positions in engineering, quality management, and sales in Bosch’s industry, automotive and IoT divisions. Within the Eclipse Foundation he is responsible for the SDV ecosystem where 50+ companies collaborate on open source technology in the context of automotive SW. Ansgar holds a diploma in Business Administration and Computer Science.
Dieter Schwarzmann is a project leader in the central department of technical strategy at Bosch. He studied Engineering Cybernetics at the University of Stuttgart, where he still teaches a course on control engineering for master students. He received a PhD (Dr.-Ing.) in the field of Control for methods on automotive control and a Master of Engineering from the USA. After a period of a visiting scientist at MIT he lead various teams in the field of control engineering in automotive. Today, he focusses on full vehicle systems; having been the project lead of the first full prototype vehicle from Bosch and currently focusing on SdV with central compute and zones
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10:00-10:25: AI meets Automotive: Wie künstliche Intelligenz das digitale Kundenerlebnis im Fahrzeug revolutioniert
Mark Medinger, David Marz (mm1 Consulting)
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) revolutioniert Mensch-Maschinen-Interaktionen im Alltag – damit auch zwischen uns und unseren Fahrzeugen. Intelligentes Analysieren individueller und kollektiver Nutzungsdaten heben Anwendungen für Navigation, Infotainment oder Komfort auf ein neues Niveau. Unser Fokus liegt darauf, wie KI die Benutzererfahrung im Fahrzeug revolutioniert und neue Standards setzt. Dies bietet nicht nur Kunden ein verbessertes Mobilitätserlebnis, sondern auch neue Möglichkeiten für Hersteller und Zulieferer. Der Vortrag richtet sich an Fachexperten/Interessierte, die sich über neueste Entwicklungen und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von KI im Automotive-Umfeld informieren möchten. Erfahren Sie, wie diese Technologie die Zukunft der Mobilität prägt und welche Potenziale sie freisetzt.
10:25-10:50: In-Car-Commerce as a Component of the Software-defined Vehicle
Maximilian Nagel, Tim Steiner (Mercedes-Benz)
E-Commerce is an ever-present topic. Every big, competitive company nowadays cares about its online-presence and in most cases also about the online revenues. In this Spot-on we will challenge In-Car-Commerce, the terminology describing sales via the Infotainment screens in the car. What is the status of different OEMs regarding In-Car-Commerce? What is an imaginable system architecture to establish an In-Car-App? What exactly is an In-Car-App and how does it differ from Web-Apps and regular Smartphone Apps? What are implementation guidelines in current ICA-development and how could the way forward (FOSS, Frameworks) could look like? We will evaluate what to possibly share from Mercedes-Benz without violating company secrets.
10:50-11:15: The Future of Vehicle UX is Hyper-Personalization
(Georg Hansbauer (Testbirds); Tom Acland (Dassault Systèmes 3DEXCITE)
The automotive industry is undergoing a transformation towards hyper-personalization, where vehicles are increasingly customized to meet the specific needs of highly targeted customer segments. The Software-Defined Vehicle (SDV) concept, combined with in-vehicle app stores, forms the digital backbone for personalized user experiences, while open hardware plug-in interfaces and innovative manufacturing methods present new avenues for hardware customization. This presentation examines how Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) can integrate agile methodologies, crowd testing, simulation, and systems engineering to create vehicles that align with customer expectations. Two concrete examples will be discussed: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) integration for passenger cars and customized fleets of light commercial vehicles, showcasing how these strategies can drive enhanced customer engagement and satisfaction in diverse markets.
Dr. David Marz ist erfahrener Consultant im Bereich Digitalisierung bei der mm1 Consulting GmbH (a valantic company). Während seiner Promotion hat er sich intensiv mit der digitalen Transformation beschäftigt, schwerpunktmäßig mit Kundenverhalten im digitalen Zeitalter. In anschließenden Stationen als Berater konnte er in der Automobilbranche sowie den Bereichen der Prozessautomatisierung und agilen Softwareentwicklung Kompetenzen aufbauen.
Mark Medinger ist Manager & Teamlead bei der mm1 Consulting GmbH (a valantic company). In vorherigen Stationen bei der Daimler Mobility AG und Capgemini Invent konnte er viele Jahre Erfahrung in der Automotive-Branche sammeln. Er ist renommierter Berater im Management und Rollout komplexer Projekte, insbesondere zur digitalen Transformation. Zudem ist er Gastdozent zum Thema Customer Journey & Customer Centricity an der HfWu Geislingen-Nürtingen.
Following his high school diploma in summer 2020, Maximilian started his dual studies. While the universal, theoretical part was about Informatics with a focus on computational data science, he also gained practical experiences in topics such as Live-Testing of the navigation features of MBUX, a system architecture Migration to the cloud and the practical part of his bachelor thesis: the development of an In-Car-App to sell physical products. Since the graduation of his bachelor, Maximilian is employed at his training company as a project manager and product owner in the E-Commerce driving topics such as the reorganization of logistics processes, the internationalization of the shop and usage of the system as a central component in group-internal B2B modularizations.
After his high school graduation at a technical school with a Focus on Computer Science, Tim started his dual studies in 2021. While his practical phases he gained insights into various topics such as in car App Development and App development itself. As Part of these insights Tim took Part in the development of an In-Car-App to sell physical products. This included the implementation of front- and backend features.
Georg Hansbauer is co-founder and CEO of Testbirds, a world-leading crowdtesting provider. He is responsible for the further development of the company's services and IT infrastructure as well as sales and marketing. Georg has extensive experience in the field of enterprise testing – from automated testing of complete IT service desks to load testing – and has managed numerous IT projects for international corporations. He graduated from the elite program "Finance and Information Management" at the University of Augsburg and the Technical University of Munich and holds a Master of Science with distinction (M.Sc Hons).
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Tom has built transformational businesses at growth companies since joining a DotCom startup at the turn of the millennium. He has experience as a startup founder and manager in large enterprises like Microsoft, Publicis Groupe, and Bosch. As CTO of Razorfish Germany, he led innovative programs for brands like Audi and Novartis. He co-founded COBI, an IoT startup for intelligent mobility, which was later acquired by Bosch eBike Systems. Now, as CEO of 3DEXCITE at Dassault Systemes, Tom leads a global team developing virtual commercial twins for industrial companies.
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11:45-12:10: Harnessing GenAI for Software-Defined Vehicles: Transforming Products and Processes
Sascha Sambale (Bosch Digital)
Generative AI (GenAI) is revolutionizing the automotive industry, offering transformative opportunities for both Product AI and Process AI within Software-Defined Vehicles (SDVs). Product AI applications leverage GenAI to enhance automated driving systems, improve safety-critical functions, and create advanced in-vehicle experiences. On the Process AI side, GenAI is streamlining SDV development, managing complex regulations, optimizing test management, and enabling continuous homologation.
This presentation explores the path to adopting GenAI within organizations, focusing on internal challenges and opportunities. Key topics include overcoming technical hurdles in training and deploying models, addressing legal and ethical concerns, and ensuring data privacy and security. The discussion also covers practical strategies for embedding GenAI into organizational workflows while maintaining compliance with industry standards and global regulations.
12:10-12:35: Unlock Value with Gen AI: Test Development Assistant in the Software Defined Vehicle
Andreas Geiss (Aleph Alpha)
Over 40% of tasks from knowledge workers such as software developers or development engineers in automotive are repetitive. We identify these tasks and build a solution that can reduce the overall test development time by over 30%. On top, the solution provides a higher overall quality and ensures, that all requirements are thoroughly implemented and tested.
12:35-13:00: Towards an End-to-end AI Experience: Combining Embedded, Edge and Cloud AI within the Software-Defined Vehicle
Marco Wagner (Hochschule Heilbronn)
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence has already proved to provide massive benefits in the automotive domain. Pilot use cases such as driver assistance or data-based services have already made it to our roads to the benefit of both the automotive OEMs and their customers.
At the same time, the E/E architecture of modern vehicles changes dramatically on the pathway towards a true Software-Defined Vehicle. This fact opens up new opportunities to leverage AI not only in the cloud or central computers but also in smaller control units deeper integrated into the vehicle‘s mechatronics. In this talk, hybrid approaches will be discussed that may help to shape future automotive AI systems along the continuum of device, edge and cloud computing.
Andreas Geiss is leading the Vertical Automotive & Manufacturing at Aleph Alpha, pioneering digital innovation and sustained business success through sovereign, human centric AI for a better world. In his previous role, he was in charge of the Digital Enterprise & Digital Services business at Siemens AG as Senior Vice President and General Manager. In former assignments, Andreas held various management positions at Hoechst AG and Siemens in the Industry Sector. He has worked in Germany, USA and China. Andreas holds a diploma in Mechanical Engineering from the University in Mannheim and received an Executive Transition Certificate of the European School of Management & Technology (ESMT) in Berlin.
Marco is a lecturer, industry insider, and researcher focused on bridging industrial innovation and science. After nearly 10 years in a leading automotive tech company, he returned to academia to leverage his experience. He has authored over 40 research papers and filed around 20 patents. From 2014 to 2018, he worked at Robert Bosch GmbH, researching vehicular networking, automotive architectures, and AI applications. He then held various roles in technical and product management in Bosch’s Automated Driving Sector until 2021. From 2021 to early 2023, he served as Solution Lead at ETAS, focusing on Software-Defined Vehicles. Since March 2023, Marco has been a professor of artificial intelligence in technical systems at Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences.
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11:45-12:10: How SysML v2 Can Speed-up the Development of SDVs - and What It Needs Besides the Standard
Simon Roth (Bosch)
SysML v2 brings new chances for effective exchange and integration of models and collaboration models based on them. To benefit from them, we actively shape the currently ongoing tool development in this direction. In this talk, we show some of the new features of the SysML v2 standard and what is needed beyond this.
12:10-12:35: Future-proof Approaches in Automotive Systems and SW Engineering – First time right, as fast as possible or both?
Jörg Schäuffele (Vector Informatik)
SDVs offer a big design space reaching from deeply embedded sensors, actuators and ECUs via Zone Controllers and High Performance Computers to the IT Backend. The complexity of the overall system reaches a new level compared to the E/E architectures of past, while some constraints of the past as limited resources disappear. At the same time the functions of SDVs have still to fulfill unique Automotive constraints such as hard real time requirements, high functional safety constraints and very long product life cycles compared to cyber physical systems in other industries. Successful approaches in Automotive Systems and SW Engineering have to consider these unique requirements and constraints.
This presentation will focus on a sound and consistent architecture of the complete SDV system as a key aspect. The requirements of the different functional domains and the capabilities of the different SW platforms utilized in SDVs have to be brought under one roof. The system wide architecture can be utilized to implement and maintain features, functions, systems and software – and is the base to define the right approaches in Systems and SW Engineering.
12:35-13:00: Panel: System Modeling and EAM
Simon Roth (Bosch), Jörg Schäuffele (Vector Informatik), Dirk Slama (Bosch)
As the automotive industry evolves towards Software-Defined Vehicles (SDVs), traditional development frameworks like ISO 26262 and Automotive SPICE (A-SPICE) are challenged by the need to integrate core vehicle functions with cloud-based and smartphone applications. This convergence blurs the lines between model-centric systems engineering and code-centric, agile development methods. How should system architects address the challenges arising from this conflict?
Computer Scientist more than 10 years of experience in Software and System Architecture for automotive products.
Dirk Slama is a Vice President at Robert Bosch GmbH, chairman of the initiative, conference chair of the Bosch ConnectedWorld, and Editor-in-Chief of the Digital Playbook for OEMs and manufacturers. He is the director of the AIoT Lab at the Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institute, where he also holds a full professorship. Dirk has 25 years of project experience in automotive, aviation, manufacturing, and telecoms. He is co-author of 4 successful books and holds a PhD in Information Systems, an MBA, and a Diploma in Computer Science.
After several years at at ETAS GmbH in Stuttgart, where he worked as a coach and consultant for the application of ETAS tools at Automotive OEMs and suppliers, and BMW in Munich, where he was responsible in the Automotive Systems and Software Engineering team for defining and establishing SW Engineering processes, methods and tools in different vehicle application areas at BMW. Jörg Schäuffele started in 2007 at Vector Informatik in Stuttgart as Product Manager in the Product Line Process Tools. In his current role he is responsible as Product Area Manager for the product area Systems Engineering in PREEvision – which includes PREEvision product responsibilities for the Architecture Design Use Cases, the Systems Engineering Use Cases, the Wiring Harness Design Use Cases and the enabling technologies Product Line Engineering and Variant Management.
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14:00-14:30: SDV Virtualization for Safe and Secure Feature Development
Ulrich Schulmeister (Bosch)
In the dynamic evolution of Software Defined Vehicles (SDV), virtualization technologies have become essential for streamlining development processes and ensuring the continuous update of vehicle functionalities post-deployment. This presentation explores the maturity requirements of virtualization and the critical role of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) in accelerating the maturity of virtualization frameworks, emphasizing its impact on enabling over-the-air (OTA) updates and subsequent vehicle software modifications.
We will highlight how virtualization, paired with cloud-native architectures, enhances the reliability, scalability, and efficiency of SDV systems. By leveraging robust simulation environments, such as IPG Carmaker and, we aim to advance the development of distributed automotive features and enable seamless integration of real-time updates to vehicle fleets.
Our discussion will focus on the credibility of simulation and qualification techniques tailored to SDV ecosystems, ensuring that software updates can be rigorously tested and validated in virtual environments before deployment. Furthermore, we will underscore the role of secure teleoperations and Level 4 autonomy within SDVs, supported by a digital twin approach to continuously simulate vehicle behaviors in real-world conditions.
The presentation will highlight ecosystem collaborations with industry leaders through for providing a cloud-based simulation aimed at enhancing SDV capabilities.
14:30-15:00: Workflow and Data Management for Continuous Virtual Development and Validation of Driving Functions in Software-Defined Vehicles
Michael Kochem (IPG Automotive GmbH)
Developing, validating/releasing and updating SDVs using real test drives is uneconomical and sometimes impossible. In addition to data replay, scenario-based simulations enable comprehensive tests in various situations. This requires different test environments with variable real or virtual parts to ensure seamless, reproducible results. Fully virtual components enable to quickly drive many relevant test kilometers through parallelization in the cloud. The Virtual Vehicle Development Tool Suite VIRTO will be used to demonstrate the methodology behind a superordinate simulation access level to manage data, models and software for virtual development. VIRTO supports diverse test methods, simplifies data and workflow management and integrates seamlessly into existing development processes.
15:00-15:30: The virtual vehicle – state of the nation
Ulrich Schulmeister (Bosch), Felix Strauß (Bertrandt), Markus Behle (ETAS)
Virtual vehicle technologies, from advanced vECU levels and virtual BUS systems to co-simulation frameworks, are transforming automotive development. This panel explores the current status of these tools and their role in accelerating testing, validation, and homologation for software-defined vehicles. Looking ahead, we’ll discuss emerging trends like AI-driven validation and digital twins, and pose an open question: how will these advancements reshape physical test system design and its role in future development cycles? Join us to examine the state of the art and the road ahead for virtual vehicles.
Ulrich Schulmeister is the Vice President of Technology and Engineering at Bosch Mobility, heading the department for Systems Engineering, Simulation, Virtualization, and Vehicle Safety. With over 25 years of experience in the automotive industry, he is a member of the Bosch Mobility Steering Committee for Technology and Engineering. His responsibilities include the Center of Competence for Vehicle Safety, Simulation, Reliable Distributed Systems, the Rolling Chassis Program, System Development for Pre-Integrated System Products, feature-based development, integration platforms for microcontrollers, microprocessors, and SoCs, virtualization for Software-Defined Vehicles and release processes, as well as external standards and engineering methods.
1. Electrical-/controls-engineering at Darmstadt University (including PhD.) 2. From Development Engineer to Director of Central Vehicle Simulation department at German based OEM. 3. Now being responsible for the consulting business at IPG Automotive as Vice President Strategic Consulting & Engineering.
Felix Strauß is working as Lead Expert at Bertrandt Group and is responsible for all X-in-the-Loop related technologies. With 10 years of experience in hard- and software-testing in HiL/SiL-environments for OEM customers he is aware of the challenges the automotive industry is recently facing. For the past five years he has been pushing the evolution of virtual testing activities beyond the well-established SiL-environments that mostly consider application software. His main focus is the virtualization of control units, building cloud-based test frameworks as we as establishing new test processes that worthy the possibilities of the virtual ecu. Felix is equipped with a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the Karlsruhe Institute of technology (KIT).
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14:00-14:30: Car 2 Factory: SDV meets SDF
Peter Stechel (AUDI AG)
The SDV is assembled in the factory in stages and put into operation on a modular basis. Communication between the vehicle and the factory requires a coordinated data strategy. AUDI AG's Software Driven Factory is being developed in parallel and iteratively with the SDV.
14:30-15:00: The Future of Software-Defined Vehicles and Embedded Finance
Thomas Hilgendorff (Yapeal)
The future of SDVs and Embedded Finance (EF) is poised for a unique symbiosis that could transform multiple industries. The intersection of SDVs and EF has tremendous potential to create more integrated, user-friendly experiences for consumers, improve vehicle services, and pave the way for innovative business models in transportation and finance. As this field evolves, companies will need to remain agile and proactive to capitalize on these opportunities while addressing challenges related to security, regulation, and user privacy.
- Enhanced Customer Experiences
- Data Monetization
- Smart Ecosystems
- Regulatory and Security Considerations
- Market Disruption
15:00-15:30: Navigating System Variability: A Holistic Approach to Lifecycle Management across Software and Hardware
Danilo Beuche (PTC)
With complex systems composed from complex mechanical systems, electronics, and software, managing software and hardware lifecycles becomes a significant challenge. This gets even more amplified in the context of systems built on top of long-lived platforms. Beside all the complexity that a single system instance has, it must deal with variability concepts to tailor/instantiate the parts for use in the specific variant.
Traditional methods of handling system variability in code exacerbate complexity in verification, validation, certification and updates. At the same time, especially in the context of SDV, the software engineering lifecycle is faster and yet much longer lived than that of physical parts.
In this presentation, we will explore how a holistic approach based on variability models combined with ALM and PLM capabilities can serve as a common language across systems, mechanical, and software engineering, facilitating smoother integration, testing, and lifecycle management. By leveraging Product Line Engineering (PLE), Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), organizations can address long-term platform lifecycles alongside DevOps and over-the-air updates (OTA). Join us for insights into PTC's holistic solution architecture to illustrate how these strategies can be applied in practice.
Peter Stechel holds a degree in industrial engineering (TU Darmstadt) and started as a trainee in production at Audi in Neckarsulm in 1996. From 1998, he held various management positions in the areas of car body construction, logistics, production planning and assembly within the Audi Group. Among other things, from 2002 to 2004 at FAW-VW in Changchun, from 2011 to 2016 at Seat in Martorell and since 2022 he has been responsible for “Data Driven Production and Logistics” (digitalization planning) at AUDI AG.
Thomas is the CCO and co-founder of the Fintech Yapeal. Thomas started his professional career as a programmer and project manager, was responsible for the IT department of a Swiss cantonal bank, led the Swiss banking division of an American consulting firm and was the head of the IT department at a large Swiss banking group. Thomas is also the co-founder of a venture capital firm that invests in Swiss and German FinTechs and RegTechs, of a consulting company, of a cloud company and is a member of various boards of directors.
Prof. Dr. Danilo Beuche works as VP of Strategy and Go-to-Market at PTC and is the former CEO and co-founder of pure-systems, a software company that created pure::variants, a software developed for the implementation of product line technologies in embedded software systems. Danilo began his career in the field of embedded operating systems and software families in the mid-90s. His research on tool development for feature-based software development at the University of Magdeburg ultimately led to the establishment of pure-systems in 2001. Additionally, since 2016, he has served as an honorary professor at the Institute for Information Systems (IWI) at the University of Leipzig.
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16:00-16:30: Virtual Test in Practical Application
Felix Strauß (Bertrandt)
The trend towards software-defined vehicles (SDV) is increasingly increasing the complexity of the software in the vehicle. On the one hand, this makes the usual linear validation and integration processes more difficult. On the other hand, the increase in complexity can hardly be controlled by using hardware-based test platforms. Further hardware scaling seems unrealistic and uneconomical as complexity increases. Virtual testing using virtual ECUs in particular offers a remedy here. It should be emphasized that virtual testing means much more than classic software-in-the-loop testing (SiL). Rather, a very realistic image of control units can be created by integrating basic software and, if necessary, additional chip emulation. Various integration levels of virtual control units offer holistic validation of vehicle software. Each level offers both opportunities and corresponding limitations. These must be known and evaluated accordingly in order to be able to set up a digital validation process. The main focus must be on a holistic integration process.
16:30-17:00: Harnessing Engineering Data for Scalable SDV Development
Benjamin Schrempf (KPMG)
In the era of Software-Defined Vehicles (SDVs), the ability to manage and utilize engineering data effectively is a cornerstone of successful algorithm development and scalability. This presentation explores how a data organization serves as the foundation for creating SDV algorithms capable of addressing the complexity of vehicle variants.
SDVs demand robust data management strategies to move beyond isolated proofs of concept and enable scalable, variant-aware solutions. A central data governance organization provides the framework for consistent data policies, standards, and procedures, ensuring high-quality and integrated data across domains. This approach minimizes silos, enhances data security, and ensures compliance with regulations while supporting the iterative and dynamic nature of SDV development.
The presentation delves into the critical role of data integration and quality in enabling informed decisions, seamless cross-domain functionality, and effective algorithmic development. It also highlights practical examples of how centralized data governance accelerates SDV innovation, from simulation-driven development to real-world deployment.
Aimed at engineers, data strategists, and decision-makers in the automotive industry, this talk provides actionable insights and best practices for leveraging centralized data governance to achieve scalable, variant-compatible SDV development.
Felix Strauß is working as Lead Expert at Bertrandt Group and is responsible for all X-in-the-Loop related technologies. With 10 years of experience in hard- and software-testing in HiL/SiL-environments for OEM customers he is aware of the challenges the automotive industry is recently facing. For the past five years he has been pushing the evolution of virtual testing activities beyond the well-established SiL-environments that mostly consider application software. His main focus is the virtualization of control units, building cloud-based test frameworks as we as establishing new test processes that worthy the possibilities of the virtual ecu. Felix is equipped with a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the Karlsruhe Institute of technology (KIT).
Benjamin Schrempf is a Senior Manger at KPMG Consulting where his focus is on Data Management and Digital Twins. He helps his clients designing and implementing data strategies and data governance organizations for realizing the data driven company. He holds a PhD from University College Dublin in Complex Systems and Computational Social Sciences.
16:00-17:00: Panel with TÜV Rheinland, T-Systems, ETAS, and Certivity
Jens Neuser (TÜV Rheinland), Markus Sutterer (T-Systems International), Achim Nonnenmacher (ETAS), Nico Wägerle (Certivity)
In the era of Software-Defined Vehicles (SDVs), "Continuous Homologation" is becoming essential to manage the ever-evolving landscape of global regulatory requirements. These sessions will explore how leveraging Generative AI (GenAI) can revolutionize the process of continuous homologation by intelligently managing diverse regulations and mapping them to OEM-specific requirements and technical solutions.
We will discuss how GenAI can automate the identification and analysis of regulatory changes worldwide, significantly reducing the manual effort required to stay compliant across different markets. GenAI can also facilitate real-time mapping of these regulatory requirements to specific OEM needs, ensuring that vehicle software and systems are designed to meet compliance from the ground up. By integrating GenAI-driven insights, OEMs can streamline homologation processes, reduce costs, and accelerate time-to-market for SDVs. Join us to discover how advanced AI technologies are reshaping compliance strategies and enabling continuous, agile adaptation to regulatory landscapes for the automotive industry.
Jens Neuser is a dedicated automotive innovator. He began his journey in 2012 with the Mercedes Benz dual education program, which eventually led him to the Mercedes Benz Business Innovation Center Lab 1886. During his time there, he developed smart charging solutions for bus and van fleet customers, demonstrating his customer-centric approach and innovative mindset. This led him to take on the global ADS sales role at TÜV Rheinland, where he continues to drive the mission of enabling safe and innovative mobility. Jens challenges the status quo and strives for high-quality solutions, aligning with TÜV Rheinland's commitment to excellence.
Nico Wägerle is the CEO and co-founder of Certivity. He is responsible for Business Development, Sales, Cooperations, Finance & Investment, and HR & Legal. After his legal studies in Konstanz and Cardiff, he began his career at Daimler Financial Services AG in the legal department as a lawyer, where he was responsible for IT service and outsourcing topics. Following a move to Daimler AG, Mr. Wägerle advised on data protection in vehicles and connectivity technologies. Through another internal transfer, he became part of an interdisciplinary agile organization for the implementation and execution of agile legal consulting in development, focusing on product liability, road traffic law, homologation, and data protection for automated vehicle technologies (L3 and Urban L4).
In 2019, Mr. Wägerle joined Autonomous Intelligent Driving GmbH in Munich as Senior Legal Counsel. There, he was jointly responsible for legal advice on the merger of AID and Argo AI. Later on we took over as an interim general counsel from Argo / AID after the merger. Additionally, he established the department for Government Affairs and participated in industry associations (VDA, ACEA, and Bitkom) regarding the legal design of autonomous driving laws, such as the latest L4 legislation in Germany and the EU.
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"Taking SDV to the Fleet Level" is the strong and engaging keynote title. It clearly conveys the focus on scaling Software-defined Vehicles (SDVs) for broader applications like appealing to an audience interested in fleet management, technology integration, and innovation in the automotive sector. It suggests insights into the challenges and opportunities of SDVs across multiple vehicles, making it relevant and timely.
Code in Cockpit: Are SDV and Embedded Finance an Attractive Combination from a Fleet Perspective?
Christopher Miola (Schwarz Mobility Solutions)
Software-defined Vehicles (SDV) promise a turning point in fleet management that goes far beyond pure mobility. Schwarz Mobility Solutions GmbH is the central solution provider for all mobility issues of the Schwarz Group and one of the largest vehicle fleets in Europe. In this closing keynote, Christopher Miola, Head of the Strategy Team, will highlight the opportunities and challenges of Software Defined Vehicles with Embedded Finance for fleet operators.
Closing Panel: Taking SDV to the Fleet Level
Peter Busch (Bosch), Thomas Hilgendorff (Yapeal AG), Christopher Miola (Schwarz Mobility Solutions), Dirk Slama (Bosch)
Peter works for Mobility Strategy of the Bosch Group on connectivity strategies for the Mobility Business Units as Global Product Owner Distributed Ledger Technologies. He has 35+ years of experience in several IT roles and holds a university degree in Business Informatics and worked for his own SW Startup, JP Morgan, Sun Microsystems and the Robert Bosch Group. His interests are all IoT-, AI- and agent technologies, leads a 20+ million publicly funded Decentralization project for the future highly connected traffic and is Co-Founder and Chair of the Fetch.AI Foundation.
Thomas is the CCO and co-founder of the Fintech Yapeal. Thomas started his professional career as a programmer and project manager, was responsible for the IT department of a Swiss cantonal bank, led the Swiss banking division of an American consulting firm and was the head of the IT department at a large Swiss banking group. Thomas is also the co-founder of a venture capital firm that invests in Swiss and German FinTechs and RegTechs, of a consulting company, of a cloud company and is a member of various boards of directors.
With a background in managing opportunities and risks, Christopher initially made a name for himself consulting financial institutions. His innovative strategies and business models ensured the survival of many banks during the low-interest-rate phase. In addition, he led numerous financial institutions to sustainable success with various mergers and acquisitions. Today, Christopher heads the strategy team at Schwarz Mobility Solutions, the Schwarz Group's central solution provider for all mobility issues and one of the largest vehicle fleets in Europe. He uses his experience, which he enhanced over several years in in-house consulting at what is now Schwarz Corporate Solutions, and the experience of his team to the benefit of Schwarz Mobility Solutions' future-oriented approach
Dirk Slama is a Vice President at Robert Bosch GmbH, chairman of the initiative, conference chair of the Bosch ConnectedWorld, and Editor-in-Chief of the Digital Playbook for OEMs and manufacturers. He is the director of the AIoT Lab at the Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institute, where he also holds a full professorship. Dirk has 25 years of project experience in automotive, aviation, manufacturing, and telecoms. He is co-author of 4 successful books and holds a PhD in Information Systems, an MBA, and a Diploma in Computer Science.
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